Creative beginnings start with a Buncee session.
Tune into a session to jump start your journey.
Self- Guided Buncee Training
Buncee 101: Features & Use Cases
New to Buncee? Learn the ins and outs of the platform and discover how others have used it in their instruction.
It's Idea O'Clock!
Get Inspired!
Get inspired and create along side amazing educators during Idea O'Clock! Learn step by step how you and your students can create fun and engaging projects!
Re-live Past Training Sessions
Building an Engaging Reading Community for All Readers
Join Shannon McClinktock Miller to learn how to use Buncee to build an engaging reading community for all readers with fun, creative and collaborative projects and ideas. With Buncee, students will connect to reading and writing in new ways they will love.
Fostering Connections Through Collaborative Digital Storytelling
Join Michael Drezek as you learn how to express your thoughts and ideas with Buncee's variety of media tools, and discover how students can work together through the power of Buncee Boards to create a unique and collaborative story, whether they’re across the globe or within your own classroom!
Visualizing, Organizing, and Planning Your Story Ideas
Bronwyn Joyce shows you how to brainstorm ideas in your own way using Buncee, and you’ll learn how to start organizing your thoughts and planning your story.
View the session
**Special Malay Session!**
Unleash Your Creative Writing Superpowers
Unleash Your Creative Writing Superpowers
Hosted by the founder of Inspire Malaysia Rooban Arumugam, and featuring educator Goh Kok Ming, join in for this special live session where you'll learn how to unlock the power of creativity!
Accessibility and Inclusivity with Buncee (Immersive Reader)
Melissa Stark will show how you can build an accessible and inclusive classroom with Buncee, and she'll dive deep into the powerful features of Immersive Reader!
SEL: Building Student Relationships with Buncee
Laura Steinbrink will show how you can encourage students to foster vital relationships using Buncee!
Connecting Your Community with Buncee
Laurie Guyon will show how you can communicate quickly and effectively with parents, family members, and your whole school community with Buncee!
Summer Activities and End of Year Wrap Up
Join Ms. Caboot and her class from Lake Shore Central School District for a year-end Buncee wrap up, featuring her students! Special thanks to Michael Drezek for making this possible!
Buncee Student Voices: End of Year Wrap Up
Join Ms. Perry and her class from the NYC DOE on a year-end Buncee wrap up, featuring her students!
MS Teams + Buncee Week
In this series, explore how you can use Buncee and Microsoft Teams together for remote, blended or flipped instruction, and beyond! Supported by the Ministry of Education Malaysia.
Community Day in Spanish
Día de la Comunidad de Hispanohablantes
Únanse a nosotros el 20 de agosto para discutir ideas y estrategias para usar Buncee para crear una experiencia de aprendizaje interactivo para los estudiantes.
Community Day Middle East
يوم مجتمع الشرق الأوسط
انضم لنا يوم 23 أغسطس حيث مناقشة الأفكار و الاستراتيجيات لاستخدام بنسي لبناء تجربة تعليمية تفاعلية للطلبة . نستضيف لهذا الحدث 4 لقاءات باللغة العربية و سنقوم بتزويدكم بشهادات بعد اللقاء حسب حضور اللقاء المباشر
Community Day India
सामुदायिक दिवस भारत
Together, we'll learn about features and use cases of Buncee that can help you create a fun and engaging classroom.
Creative Beginnings!
3 days of community stories, best practices and back to school inspiration to help us transform the way we think & learn.
Whether you're a new or seasoned Buncee user, these sessions will leave you inspired to take your teaching practice to the next level. This year's focus is on the power of community and supporting strategies to engage our students, no matter the distance.
Join us for a week long Buncee event in Malaysia, where educators across the globe will be sharing their experiences and strategies for enhancing student engagement, along with innovative teaching practices that you can bring back to your class. These sessions will help you learn how to use Buncee for remote, blended or flipped instruction and beyond!
Additional Training & Resources
Visit Buncee's Help Center
Have a question about a specific feature? Check out our Help Center for all of our help articles and video clips.
View the #DiscoverBuncee Playlist
Need a quick tip? Check out our #DiscoverBuncee playlist where we cover quick Buncee how to's in 5 mins or less.
Learn to Create a Buncee
This video walks through all of the creation tools available to you.
Learn to Share & Publish Buncees
A walk through of all of the online and offline publishing capabilities.
Explore the Classroom Dashboard
Learn how to navigate the features available in the Classroom Dashboard.
Learn all about Buncee Boards
Learn how to build community engagement in and beyond the classroom with Buncee Boards.
Learn all about Buncee Badges
Learn how to earn and share badges collected in your account.
Explore the Student Experience
This video shows you how the app looks and works for your learners.
Sign up to learn all about our upcoming learning opportunities!